How to Calculate the Glycemic Index


Generally we all eat meals every day that contain a variety and combination that comprise of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and other essential micro nutrients. The glycemic index only pertains to the foods that contain carbohydrate content. This index can be spread across many different foods and one can still calculate the index. This can become a tedious process each time you eat a meal. Nevertheless, this is how to calculate glycemic index:

• Firstly each meal you have you need to add the total grams of carbohydrates. For instance your total meal would comprise of 60 grams of carbohydrates.

• Secondly you need to know what foods contain carbohydrates as well as the glycemic index value. For instance bread has an index of around 70.

• Thirdly you will have to determine how many grams of carbohydrates you ate in one meal. For instance you ate two slices of bread that would be twenty six grams of carbohydrates

Once you have established this you then need to take the grams of each individual carbohydrate group and divide the total the carbohydrate index of your meal. This calculation is known as the average percentage of a carbohydrate group. For instance 26 divided by 60 will give you approximately 43 which are considered low. And this is how to calculate glycemic index. Now if we take a look at the percentage calculation of carbohydrates which is multiplied by the carbohydrate value index such as 43 percent times 70 would give you around 30.

In order for one to calculate the index of a complete meal, one would have to follow the above process for all the carbohydrate groups. The formula would be the number of carbohydrates equaling the total carbohydrate meal which is then multiplies by the glycemic index of carbohydrates. The value then in turn gets added to the other carbohydrates value and you will get the whole meal glycemic total index.

If you are wondering how to calculate glycemic index, then follow the above instructions or you can go online and view the many glycemic indexes as well as follow the step by step instructions on how to calculate the glycemic index effectively. This is a way on how to assess any foods that contains carbohydrates as well as how fast carbohydrates can raise your blood sugar levels.

The glycemic value index is based upon the rate a particular carbohydrate will increase your blood sugar levels after you have eaten a meal comprising of carbohydrates. For instance glucose has a glycemic value of 100 and the value of carbohydrates is based upon the value or index of glucose the food item contains. All sugars are valued at around 100%.

Now that you know how to calculate glycemic index the ideal glycemic indexing is rated 55 or less and a medium index value is around 50 to 70 and a value that is higher is valued at 100%. These values are compared to the value of glucose and are measured using laboratory settings.


Source by Michelle Reynolds

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